--- - import_role: name: _app_log_inventory vars: log_type: "upgrade" - name: "create temporary download directory" tempfile: state: directory suffix: "_nextcloud_new" register: _tmp_new_nextcloud changed_when: False - name: "check local release for nextcloud__instance" local_action: stat path=$PWD/{{ local_release }} register: local_release_file - name: "retrieving nextcloud version {{ app_version }} in {{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" unarchive: remote_src: True src: "https://download.nextcloud.com/server/releases/nextcloud-{{ app_version }}.tar.bz2" dest: "{{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" group: "www-data" owner: "www-data" when: not(local_release_file.stat.exists) - name: "retrieving nextcloud from ./{{ local_release }} in {{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" unarchive: src: "{{ local_release }}" dest: "{{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" group: "www-data" owner: "www-data" when: local_release_file.stat.exists - name: "disable site for {{ app_domain }}" file: state: absent path: "/etc/{{ rev_proxy }}/sites-enabled/{{ app_instance_id }}.conf" - name: "reload {{ rev_proxy }}" service: name={{ rev_proxy }} state=reloaded - import_role: name: _app_backup_instance - name: "backup app list" shell: "php{{ php_version }} {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id}}/occ app:list > {{ backup_version_dir }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/{{ app_old_version }}/app.list" become_user: "www-data" vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: true args: creates: "{{ backup_version_dir }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/{{ app_old_version }}/app.list" - name: "remove {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" file: path: "{{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" state: absent - name: "Move {{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}/nextcloud to {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" command: "/bin/mv {{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}/nextcloud {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" - name: "remove {{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" file: path: "{{ _tmp_new_nextcloud.path }}" state: absent changed_when: False - name: "restore config.php" copy: src: "{{ backup_version_dir }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/{{ app_old_version }}/app/{{ app_instance_id}}/config/config.php" dest: "{{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/config/config.php" remote_src: yes backup: yes # cron task or something ? may log while migrating - name: "remove default data directory" file: state: absent path: "{{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/data" - name: "www-data owner of {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" file: state: directory path: "{{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" recurse: yes owner: "www-data" group: "www-data" - name: "chmod 750 for directories" command: "find {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \\;" - name: "chmod 640 for files" command: "find {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \\;" - name: "enable site for {{ app_domain }}" file: state: link path: "/etc/{{ rev_proxy }}/sites-enabled/{{ app_instance_id }}.conf" src: "/etc/{{ rev_proxy }}/sites-available/{{ app_instance_id }}.conf" - name: "ensure presence of {{ base_prod_options }}/nextcloud/" file: path: "{{ base_prod_options }}/nextcloud/" state: directory - name: "template for app enable script" template: src: "nextcloud_app_enable.j2" dest: "{{ base_prod_options }}/nextcloud/nextcloud_app_enable.py" mode: 0700 - name: "restore apps" command: "{{ base_prod_options }}/nextcloud/nextcloud_app_enable.py {{ backup_version_dir }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/{{ app_old_version }}/app.list {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}" failed_when: False - name: "reload {{ rev_proxy }}" service: name={{ rev_proxy }} state=reloaded - name: "perform nextcloud upgrade" command: "php{{ php_version}} {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/occ upgrade" become_user: "www-data" vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: true - name: "add missing indices in database" command: "php{{ php_version }} {{ www_root }}/{{ app_instance_id }}/occ db:add-missing-indices" become_user: "www-data" vars: ansible_ssh_pipelining: true