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# Type specifies the type of the sampler: const, probabilistic, rateLimiting, or remote
sampler_type = const
# jaeger samplerconfig param
# for "const" sampler, 0 or 1 for always false/true respectively
# for "probabilistic" sampler, a probability between 0 and 1
# for "rateLimiting" sampler, the number of spans per second
# for "remote" sampler, param is the same as for "probabilistic"
# and indicates the initial sampling rate before the actual one
# is received from the mothership
sampler_param = 1
# sampling_server_url is the URL of a sampling manager providing a sampling strategy.
sampling_server_url =
# Whether or not to use Zipkin span propagation (x-b3- HTTP headers).
zipkin_propagation = false
# Setting this to true disables shared RPC spans.
# Not disabling is the most common setting when using Zipkin elsewhere in your infrastructure.
disable_shared_zipkin_spans = false

# jaeger destination (ex http://localhost:14268/api/traces)
address =
# Propagation specifies the text map propagation format: w3c, jaeger
propagation =

# This is a configuration for OTLP exporter with GRPC protocol
# otlp destination (ex localhost:4317)
address =
# Propagation specifies the text map propagation format: w3c, jaeger
propagation =

#################################### External Image Storage ##############
# Used for uploading images to public servers so they can be included in slack/email messages.
# You can choose between (s3, webdav, gcs, azure_blob, local)
provider =

endpoint =
path_style_access =
bucket_url =
bucket =
region =
path =
access_key =
secret_key =

url =
username =
password =
public_url =

key_file =
bucket =
path =
enable_signed_urls = false
signed_url_expiration =

account_name =
account_key =
container_name =

# does not require any configuration

# Options to configure a remote HTTP image rendering service, e.g. using
# URL to a remote HTTP image renderer service, e.g. http://localhost:8081/render, will enable Grafana to render panels and dashboards to PNG-images using HTTP requests to an external service.
server_url =
# If the remote HTTP image renderer service runs on a different server than the Grafana server you may have to configure this to a URL where Grafana is reachable, e.g. http://grafana.domain/.
callback_url =
# Concurrent render request limit affects when the /render HTTP endpoint is used. Rendering many images at the same time can overload the server,
# which this setting can help protect against by only allowing a certain amount of concurrent requests.
concurrent_render_request_limit = 30

# here for to support old env variables, can remove after a few months
enable_alpha = false
disable_sanitize_html = false

enable_alpha = false
app_tls_skip_verify_insecure = false
# Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to identify plugins to load even if they are unsigned. Plugins with modified signatures are never loaded.
allow_loading_unsigned_plugins =
# Enable or disable installing / uninstalling / updating plugins directly from within Grafana.
plugin_admin_enabled = true
plugin_admin_external_manage_enabled = false
plugin_catalog_url =
# Enter a comma-separated list of plugin identifiers to hide in the plugin catalog.
plugin_catalog_hidden_plugins =

#################################### Grafana Live ##########################################
# max_connections to Grafana Live WebSocket endpoint per Grafana server instance. See Grafana Live docs
# if you are planning to make it higher than default 100 since this can require some OS and infrastructure
# tuning. 0 disables Live, -1 means unlimited connections.
max_connections = 100

# allowed_origins is a comma-separated list of origins that can establish connection with Grafana Live.
# If not set then origin will be matched over root_url. Supports wildcard symbol "*".
allowed_origins =

# engine defines an HA (high availability) engine to use for Grafana Live. By default no engine used - in
# this case Live features work only on a single Grafana server.
# Available options: "redis".
# Setting ha_engine is an EXPERIMENTAL feature.
ha_engine =

# ha_engine_address sets a connection address for Live HA engine. Depending on engine type address format can differ.
# For now we only support Redis connection address in "host:port" format.
# This option is EXPERIMENTAL.
ha_engine_address = ""

#################################### Grafana Image Renderer Plugin ##########################
# Instruct headless browser instance to use a default timezone when not provided by Grafana, e.g. when rendering panel image of alert.
# See ICU’s metaZones.txt ( for a list of supported
# timezone IDs. Fallbacks to TZ environment variable if not set.
rendering_timezone =

# Instruct headless browser instance to use a default language when not provided by Grafana, e.g. when rendering panel image of alert.
# Please refer to the HTTP header Accept-Language to understand how to format this value, e.g. 'fr-CH, fr;q=0.9, en;q=0.8, de;q=0.7, *;q=0.5'.
rendering_language =

# Instruct headless browser instance to use a default device scale factor when not provided by Grafana, e.g. when rendering panel image of alert.
# Default is 1. Using a higher value will produce more detailed images (higher DPI), but will require more disk space to store an image.
rendering_viewport_device_scale_factor =

# Instruct headless browser instance whether to ignore HTTPS errors during navigation. Per default HTTPS errors are not ignored. Due to
# the security risk it's not recommended to ignore HTTPS errors.
rendering_ignore_https_errors =

# Instruct headless browser instance whether to capture and log verbose information when rendering an image. Default is false and will
# only capture and log error messages. When enabled, debug messages are captured and logged as well.
# For the verbose information to be included in the Grafana server log you have to adjust the rendering log level to debug, configure
# [log].filter = rendering:debug.
rendering_verbose_logging =

# Instruct headless browser instance whether to output its debug and error messages into running process of remote rendering service.
# Default is false. This can be useful to enable (true) when troubleshooting.
rendering_dumpio =

# Additional arguments to pass to the headless browser instance. Default is --no-sandbox. The list of Chromium flags can be found
# here ( Multiple arguments is separated with comma-character.
rendering_args =

# You can configure the plugin to use a different browser binary instead of the pre-packaged version of Chromium.
# Please note that this is not recommended, since you may encounter problems if the installed version of Chrome/Chromium is not
# compatible with the plugin.
rendering_chrome_bin =

# Instruct how headless browser instances are created. Default is 'default' and will create a new browser instance on each request.
# Mode 'clustered' will make sure that only a maximum of browsers/incognito pages can execute concurrently.
# Mode 'reusable' will have one browser instance and will create a new incognito page on each request.
rendering_mode =

# When rendering_mode = clustered, you can instruct how many browsers or incognito pages can execute concurrently. Default is 'browser'
# and will cluster using browser instances.
# Mode 'context' will cluster using incognito pages.
rendering_clustering_mode =
# When rendering_mode = clustered, you can define the maximum number of browser instances/incognito pages that can execute concurrently. Default is '5'.
rendering_clustering_max_concurrency =
# When rendering_mode = clustered, you can specify the duration a rendering request can take before it will time out. Default is `30` seconds.
rendering_clustering_timeout =

# Limit the maximum viewport width, height and device scale factor that can be requested.
rendering_viewport_max_width =
rendering_viewport_max_height =
rendering_viewport_max_device_scale_factor =

# Change the listening host and port of the gRPC server. Default host is and default port is 0 and will automatically assign
# a port not in use.
grpc_host =
grpc_port =

license_path =

# there are currently two ways to enable feature toggles in the `grafana.ini`.
# you can either pass an array of feature you want to enable to the `enable` field or
# configure each toggle by setting the name of the toggle to true/false. Toggles set to true/false
# will take precedence over toggles in the `enable` list.

# enable = feature1,feature2
enable =

# The new prometheus visual query builder
promQueryBuilder = true

# The new loki visual query builder
lokiQueryBuilder = true

# Experimental Explore to Dashboard workflow
explore2Dashboard = true

# Experimental Command Palette
commandPalette = true

# Use dynamic labels in CloudWatch datasource
cloudWatchDynamicLabels = true

# feature1 = true
# feature2 = false

# For information on what formatting patterns that are supported

# Default system date format used in time range picker and other places where full time is displayed
full_date = YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss

# Used by graph and other places where we only show small intervals
interval_second = HH:mm:ss
interval_minute = HH:mm
interval_hour = MM/DD HH:mm
interval_day = MM/DD
interval_month = YYYY-MM
interval_year = YYYY

# Experimental feature
use_browser_locale = false

# Default timezone for user preferences. Options are 'browser' for the browser local timezone or a timezone name from IANA Time Zone database, e.g. 'UTC' or 'Europe/Amsterdam' etc.
default_timezone = browser

# Enable or disable the expressions functionality.
enabled = true

# Set the JSON configuration for the default basemap
default_baselayer_config =

# Enable or disable loading other base map layers
enable_custom_baselayers = true

#################################### Dashboard previews #####################################

# Number of dashboards rendered in parallel. Default is 6.
thread_count =

# Timeout passed down to the Image Renderer plugin. It is used in two separate places within a single rendering request:
# First during the initial navigation to the dashboard and then when waiting for all the panels to load. Default is 20s.
# This setting should be expressed as a duration. Examples: 10s (seconds), 1m (minutes).
rendering_timeout =

# Maximum duration of a single crawl. Default is 1h.
# This setting should be expressed as a duration. Examples: 10s (seconds), 1m (minutes).
max_crawl_duration =

# Minimum interval between two subsequent scheduler runs. Default is 12h.
# This setting should be expressed as a duration. Examples: 10s (seconds), 1m (minutes).
scheduler_interval =