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# Change Log

## [**Next release**](

## [2.0.0] - 2021-04-19
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#219]( from cloudalchemy/skeleton
- :robot: sync with cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: 5ca88c27): Merge pull request [#9]( from cloudalchemy/superq/more_updates

## [1.0.0] - 2021-04-11
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#214]( from cloudalchemy/superq/envs
- Merge pull request [#213]( from cloudalchemy/superq/chglog
- Merge pull request [#212]( from cloudalchemy/superq/publisher_image
- Merge pull request [#209]( from cloudalchemy/autoupdate
- Merge pull request [#208]( from cloudalchemy/autoupdate
- Merge pull request [#207]( from nop33/fix-typos
- Merge pull request [#206]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1
- Merge pull request [#204]( from cloudalchemy/bjk/update_requirements
- Merge pull request [#202]( from cloudalchemy/autoupdate
- Merge pull request [#197]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom/fix-release
- Merge pull request [#196]( from kmille/master
- Merge pull request [#195]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom/scenario-latest
- Merge pull request [#182]( from parmsib/patch-1
- Merge pull request [#187]( from cloudalchemy/superq/internal_defaults
- Merge pull request [#193]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1
- Merge pull request [#188]( from ctrlaltdel/master
- Merge pull request [#191]( from cloudalchemy/superq/circle_release
- Merge pull request [#190]( from cloudalchemy/superq/circleci
- Merge pull request [#189]( from cloudalchemy/moleculev3
- Merge pull request [#184]( from thdhondt/patch-1

## [0.22.0] - 2020-10-02
### Chore
- troubleshooting document

**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#179]( from kklimonda/master
- Merge pull request [#178]( from FilippoProjetto/patch-1
- Merge pull request [#172]( from pngmbh/troubleshooting

## [0.21.5] - 2020-07-21
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#170]( from bittopaz/patch-1

## [0.21.4] - 2020-07-20
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#169]( from cloudalchemy/superq/localhost_checksums

## [0.21.3] - 2020-06-18
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#163]( from sengel/missing_backslash

## [0.21.2] - 2020-06-18
**Merged pull requests:**

- always import install.yml when using local dir ([#162](

## [0.21.1] - 2020-06-17
**Merged pull requests:**

- New prometheus/node_exporter upstream release! ([#159](

## [0.21.0] - 2020-05-31
**Merged pull requests:**

- *: add support for node_exporter TLS settings ([#156](

## [0.20.0] - 2020-04-30
**Merged pull requests:**

- Use symbolic permissions for textfile collector dir ([#150](
- :robot: sync with cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: 40e7ce18): lock molecule to v2 ([#149](
- always validate GitHub certificate as there is no reason not to… ([#148](
- Install 'policycoreutils-python' on redhat/centos < 8 and fedora… ([#145](
- Add quotes to node_exporter parametrs in systemd service ([#144](

## [0.19.0] - 2020-01-31
**Merged pull requests:**

- remove system user management and convert variables to internal ones ([#142](
- Do not manage system directories ([#140](
- Add binary install directory ([#137](

## [0.18.0] - 2020-01-16
**Merged pull requests:**

- :robot: sync with cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: 69fc5be8): Merge pull request [#4]( from cloudalchemy/travis_fix ([#138](
- :robot: sync with cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: f4521f6a): use latest available python ([#136](
- Fix syntax on SELinux installation for clearlinux ([#134](
- tasks,vars: move selinux package dependencies into separate tasks to allow potential ootb support for more OSes ([#132](
- :robot: sync with cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: bb0f0949): remove IRC link ([#133](
- Updated ([#129](
- add option to propagate binaries without access to internet ([#126](
- [REPO SYNC] add declarative label sync; add autolabelling PRs ([#123](

## [0.17.0] - 2019-11-14
**Merged pull requests:**

- [REPO SYNC] molecule: use CI images from instead of dock… ([#121](
- tasks: remove already covered entries when choosing an OS specific vars ([#118](
- Run preflight tasks to register variables when check_mode is enabled ([#117](
- tasks: do not touch any settings of system directory /usr/local/bin ([#116](
- [REPO SYNC] Update ([#120](
- [REPO SYNC] add support for CentOS8 ([#119](

## [0.16.0] - 2019-10-18
**Merged pull requests:**

- add official support for CentOS8 ([#114](
- molecule/default/tests: test if permissions of other files are u… ([#112](
- tasks: do not use alias for createhome as it seems to be broken ([#111](

## [0.15.0] - 2019-09-11
**Merged pull requests:**

- add RHEL8 and debian buster support; remove testing on debian jessie ([#101](
- Synchronize files from cloudalchemy/skeleton ([#102](
- :robot: synchronize with last commit in cloudalchemy/skeleton (SHA: 1f68dc21) ([#100](
- Moving to python 3 and dropping support for python 2.x (on deploy… ([#99](
- :robot: synchronize files from cloudalchemy/skeleton ([#97](
- added restartsec and startlimitinterval configurations ([#96](
- preflight: Fix detection of systemd version for systemd 240+ ([#93](
- Updated README with correct default value ([#92](
- node_exporter version check ([#91](

## [0.14.0] - 2019-06-05
**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix wrong size of /home shown by node-exporter ([#87](
- :tada: automated upstream release update ([#90](
- make node_exporter executable file root-owned ([#89](
- Add retries to package installs ([#88](
- Create suse.yml ([#86](
- New prometheus/node_exporter upstream release! ([#85](
- Synchronize files from cloudalchemy/skeleton ([#84](

## [0.13.1] - 2019-05-04
**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix systemd service startup ordering ([#83](

## [0.13.0] - 2019-04-01
**Merged pull requests:**

- fix preflight check responsible for collector enablement ([#81](
- Refactor preflight checks ([#79](
- make SELinux settings ipv6 compatible ([#78](
- fix(tasks/configure.yml): typo in task name ([#77](
- Add systemd state to started for first run of the role ([#72](
- reintroduce user management into defaults and add testing user creation ([#74](

## [0.12.1] - 2019-02-19
**Merged pull requests:**

- Correctly enable extra collectors ([#70](
- Lock down systemd service ([#68](

## [0.12.0] - 2018-12-17
**Merged pull requests:**

- Better tags and configuration handling ([#66](
- simplify automated CPU arch choosing ([#64](
- add alternative tests ([#65](

## [0.11.4] - 2018-12-05
**Merged pull requests:**

- Add support for multi-line ansible_managed strings ([#63](

## [0.11.3] - 2018-12-03
**Merged pull requests:**

- New node_exporter upstream release! ([#62](
- Remove setting niceness in systemd service file ([#60](

## [0.11.2] - 2018-10-08
**Merged pull requests:**

- move to ansible 2.7 ([#58](

## [0.11.1] - 2018-10-04
**Merged pull requests:**

- do not set specific capabilities ([#57](

## [0.11.0] - 2018-09-19
**Merged pull requests:**

- Add support for Clear linux ([#55](
- make textfile dir writable by node-exp group ([#56](

## [0.10.2] - 2018-09-06
**Merged pull requests:**

- reload-daemon on systemd enable ([#53](

## [0.10.1] - 2018-08-15
**Merged pull requests:**

- download checksum file only once ([#51](

## [0.10.0] - 2018-07-15
**Merged pull requests:**

- import_tasks instead of include; bringing role up to ansible-prometheus standards; minor changes ([#48](

## [0.9.0] - 2018-07-01
**Merged pull requests:**

- ansible 2.6 + allow remote docker host ([#46](
- use tox for running test matrix ([#45](

## [0.8.0] - 2018-06-10
**Merged pull requests:**

- Add support for textfile collector ([#42](

## [0.7.0] - 2018-06-10
**Merged pull requests:**

- Install newer node_exporter by default ([#36](
- specify file name for dest in get_url call ([#40](

## [0.6.20] - 2018-05-27
**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix architecture var parsing ([#39](
- Offer a better IRC Web clients to users ([#38](

## [0.6.19] - 2018-05-23
**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix failing role on non-SELinux RedHat ([#37](
- split download and unarchive and add checksum validation ([#35](
- move to molecule 2.x ([#34](

## [0.6.18] - 2018-04-13
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#33]( from nikosgraser/master

## [0.6.17] - 2018-04-12
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#32]( from Porkepix/skip_capabilities_check_mode

## [0.6.16] - 2018-04-06
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#31]( from Porkepix/fix_tests_as_filter
- Merge pull request [#30]( from Porkepix/fix_gitignore

## [0.6.15] - 2018-04-05

## [0.6.14] - 2018-04-02
**Merged pull requests:**

- retry downloads ([#29](

## [0.6.13] - 2018-03-30
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#28]( from Porkepix/fix-check_mode

## [0.6.12] - 2018-03-26
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#26]( from cloudalchemy/bionic

## [0.6.11] - 2018-03-24
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#27]( from cloudalchemy/new_ansible

## [0.6.10] - 2018-03-05
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#25]( from swesterveld/fix-warning-jinja-templating-delimiters

## [0.6.9] - 2018-02-18
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#24]( from cloudalchemy/fedora_support
- resolve [#18](

## [0.6.8] - 2018-02-14
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#23]( from swesterveld/fix_daemon_reload_for_role_include

## [0.6.7] - 2018-01-14
**Merged pull requests:**

- custom dockerfiles; support more OSes ([#21](

## [0.6.6] - 2018-01-13
**Merged pull requests:**

- Add preflight checks ([#22](

## [0.6.5] - 2018-01-13
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#20]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1

## [0.6.4] - 2018-01-09
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#19]( from cloudalchemy/issue17

## [0.6.3] - 2018-01-08

## [0.6.2] - 2018-01-06
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#15]( from cloudalchemy/minor_fix

## [0.6.1] - 2018-01-04
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#14]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1
- Merge pull request [#13]( from cloudalchemy/docs

## [0.6.0] - 2018-01-02
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#12]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1

## [0.5.11] - 2018-01-02
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#11]( from cloudalchemy/raspberrypi

## [0.5.10] - 2018-01-01
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#10]( from cloudalchemy/disabled_collectors

## [0.5.9] - 2017-12-27
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#9]( from anisse/patch-1

## [0.5.8] - 2017-12-27
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#8]( from anisse/patch-3

## [0.5.7] - 2017-12-15
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#6]( from cloudalchemy/go_arch
- Merge pull request [#7]( from cloudalchemy/version

## [0.5.6] - 2017-12-06
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#4]( from cloudalchemy/paulfantom-patch-1

## [0.5.5] - 2017-11-30

## [0.5.4] - 2017-11-30

## [0.5.3] - 2017-11-29
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#1]( from cloudalchemy/ci

## [0.5.1] - 2017-11-09
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#10]( from SoInteractive/version_upgrade

## [0.5.0] - 2017-10-16
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#9]( from SoInteractive/feature_travis

## [0.4.3] - 2017-10-12
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#8]( from SoInteractive/Add_selinux

## [0.4.2] - 2017-10-05
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#7]( from SoInteractive/systemd

## [0.4.1] - 2017-09-26
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#6]( from SoInteractive/fix_typo

## [0.4.0] - 2017-09-20
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#5]( from paulfantom/feature_installation

## [0.3.3] - 2017-08-09

## [0.3.4] - 2017-08-09
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#4]( from SoInteractive/testing_branch

## [0.3.2] - 2017-07-26

## [0.3.1] - 2017-07-26
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#3]( from SoInteractive/fix_user_uid

## [0.3.0] - 2017-07-21

## [0.2.0] - 2017-07-21
**Merged pull requests:**

- Merge pull request [#2]( from SoInteractive/feature_autoupdate_minor

## [0.1.2] - 2017-06-14

## [0.1.1] - 2017-06-14

## [0.1.0] - 2017-06-06

## [0.0.2] - 2017-05-18

## 0.0.1 - 2017-05-04
