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# ansible-roles-paquerette

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*Proposition of **minimal** ansible roles, to host and maintain services on premise or in the cloud.* 
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Supported systems : **Ubuntu 16.04 LTS**, **Ubuntu 18.04 LTS**
partially : **debian 9**
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Principles :
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- "less is more" and "simpler is better"
- usage of Ansible for all good reasons
- minimisation of shell usage
- 1 configuration file per host with his complete definition and the list of instances
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- 1 utility to manage inventory :
- 1 utility to apply changes on servers :
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- possibility to recover backup on a separate dedicated machine, the master backup server

Technical choices:

- 2 physical partitions based configuration, 1 system, 1 programs and data, mounted on **/mnt/vdb** by default
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- monitoring : **monit**
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- backup : **backupninja**, external backup in "master/slave" mode: an external server is connecting to the host to recover backups
- mail, alters : **postfix as SMTP relay**, possibility of bcc
- **all** services are provided using HTTPS with **letsencrypt** certificates
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## 0 - Prerequisites
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- an ubuntu machine with public IP. (**the server**)
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- a machine with ansible to manage the servers. (**the controller**) (It is also possible to use ansible locally on the server)
- on the server : optionally, recommended, a distinct partition for data and programs, mounted on /mnt/vdb by default. If absent, set **data_partition** to *no* or *False* in the host_vars 
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- on the server : **an administrative account** which can sudo commands as root without providing password
- on the server: an ssh key for the master backup server (can be the same as the administrative account, but not recommended) 
- **a mail box** available via SMTP for alerts.
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All relevant variables are in the group_vars base_server file, in PREREQUISITES sections
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## 1 - The inventory
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Here is the definition of the list of servers, for each server the composition of the platform and the list of instances and all role variables.
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in groups_vars :
***In bold**, groups to be defined specifically, as your needs.* 
- secret : common secret variables (partner keys, smtp password...)
- - base_server : all common non secret variables
- - - **test** : all specifics variables for testings hosts
- - - **prod** : all specifics variables for production hosts
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cf: [./doc/](./doc/
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## 2 - The server
Here is the definition of the base of the server, it implements :
- the base file and directory organization
- the server localization
- the backup strategy
- the monitoring strategy

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cf: [./doc/host_template.yml](./doc/host_template.yml)
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**rôle : [base_server](./roles/base_server/**
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## 3 - The platform
Here is the definition of the components used to run the instances, it implements :  
- web server (nginx, apache,...)
- database server (mariadb, postgres, mongodb...)
- languages (php, python, nodejs...)
- associated monitoring

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**role : [base_platform](./roles/base_platform/**
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## 4 - Instance deployment, upgrade, removal, maintenance, restoration, etc...
Here is the implemented methods for the full live of an instance : 
for the deployment (install / reinstall command):
- download of the application
- database and dependencies management (letsencrypt certificate...)
- base configuration of the application
- backup and monitoring
- service start
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for the upgrade (upgrade command):
- download of the new version
- service stop
- complete cold backup
- less or more automatic upgrading of the application
- service start
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for the removal (uninstall command):
- stop backup and monitoring
- service stop
- program removal and database drop
- removal of associated tasks (logrotate...)
- revocation and deletion of the letsencrypt certificate
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for the restoration (restore command):
- recovering of database and application files from archive, and restoration, except external data as users files for Nextcloud
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**roles : \<application\>_instance**
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## 5 - Reusable elements 
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Roles are using factorized parts and reusable (database creation, certificates etc...)
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**roles : \_app\_\<fonction\>**
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## 6 - Instance management
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The inventory is managed with the utility program ****
The application of the changes is done with the utility program **** which generates the playbook and runs ansible.
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for example : 
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    ./ --new-instance
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    ./ myhost myinstance install
    ./ -e '' -r myhost letsencrypt_nightly_new
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**utility programs :,**
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## 7 - Utility roles
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Getting letsencrypt certificates during the nightly shutdown: **letsencrypt_nightly_new** :
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    ./ -e '' -r myhost letsencrypt_nightly_new
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## 8 - Special cases
Some roles are specifics, as the Collabora instance management :

**roles :**
- **collabora\_online\_instance**
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- **mumble_server** 
- **wekan_instance_snap** (no longer maintained)
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- **turn\_server**
- **_master_backup_server** 

## Documentation :
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cf: [The documentation of your dreams](./doc/ "And all your dreams come true !")
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## Notes :
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- base server (_python3)
- base platform (apache, nginx, mysql/mariadb, mongodb, nodejs, postgres, php7_fpm )
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- _app_log_inventory, _app_backup, _app_restore_instance, _app_logrotate, _app_monit, _create_database, _letsencrypt_certificate
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- backup in master/slave mode
- nextcloud_instance (nginx, apache)
- collabora online_instance (official partner) (nginx, apache)
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- dolibarr_instance (apache only) (no longer maintained)
- rocketchat_instance (no longer maintained) : unfortunately, it's now impossible to install several instances on the same host 
- _web_app (chrooted sftp only user, git, static, php, python) (empty, wordpress, grav, pelican, yeswiki, adminer etc...) (apache only)
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- derived from _web_app : wordpress_instance, yeswiki_instance, adminer_instance
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- mattermost_instance
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NEW ROLES OR IN PROGRESS (may be subject to important refactoring):
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- tryton_instance
- framadate_instance (install only)
- grav_instance, pelican_instance, 
- wekan snap (missing uninstall)(no longer maintained)
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- turn_server
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- mumble_server
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- : utility providing a rapid check of the production
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- database files in system partition : move /var/lib/ postgres.... in /mnt/vdb/ ... in study
- failtoban for services (or not)
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to redesign : 
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- wekan snap in backup role
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